Saturday, July 24, 2010

My first bike at 30 years old.

So here is my bike. 1982 Suzuki GS 650 GL. Really good condition for its age. I rode it through the Springs which was a big deal for me. All I have done previous to this was ride around the quiet roads of Bountiful, Utah.
I figured it was also a good time to put pics up on my blog since it is visually barren thus far....not that these are aesthetically appealing to anyone but me.
Anyway...Now I have to get the course accomplished so I can get motorcycle on my license and be able to ride to work.


  1. WOW!! When did you get that? 650 is a big one, like I'm telling you anything:) And I love the pictures, they are very appealing to me. Congratulations on the bike,....I'm you careful;)

  2. I'm a little jealous (ours is dead)!!! That is a gorgeous 'little' bike!
