Thursday, February 25, 2010

What to call it...

Growing up, my mom always said that I was a very 'spiritual' person. I think that the word 'spiritual' is overused in Mormon circles and has lost its meaning and impact. I see what she is saying, but I choose a term that allows people to understand more accurately what I am: emotional. I have been reminded of this this week and I wanted to mention it here. Now, hear me when I say that this is neither a good thing or a bad thing, for we all have our complex personality traits and different strengths and weaknesses. I look at this aspect of my life with much adoration and much contempt at the same time.
When someone is able to connect with me on more than a facebook or family reunion level, I connect emotionally. The deeper the connection, the more emotion is involved. What naturally occurs is that this emotion is expressed on many different levels, or, through many different channels. This is what happened this week. I have been on an emotional rollercoaster and it reminded me exactly how I function as a human. I wish I could say more about it. It's weird, but I feel like someone who could try and explain their actions, but nobody could possibly understand it so they would look at me with accusing eyes for what I have done.

1 comment:

  1. You are a lot like Dad, I think I am very emotional in a lot of ways as well, sometimes it's just I suppose I can say I partially understand.
