Friday, August 8, 2008

3 Weeks, 2 Days

If you count from the soccer game in which I injured my hip, ankle and knee, and which also they have not healed, then it has been 3 weeks and two days, but since I did not pull my back muscle until the following week at the cabin, it has been 2 weeks and one day. Two weeks and a day it has taken to recover, and I am not done counting. I finally improved tonight after a 4-day plateau in which I wanted to kill myself over the nerve pain. We will see how long it actually takes but one thing is for sure: I never want to injure my back again. I feel sorry for my dad and Bryan right now, and feel grateful Alex found a good chiropracter. I think I need to find one regardless of my healing. Sarah can definitely agree also. She puts up with enough from me as it is, she doesn't need me laying around all day trying to feel better when there is a house to clean and kids to throw in the river. Just kidding, there is nothing to clean in our house.


  1. Are you really feeling better than when we talked yesterday? Dad didn't call it quits until I had settled down last night, so I didn't have him call you 'cause I know I have to stay up to retrieve the phone and all.

  2. I am now. I took a hot bath last night and stayed off my bed. I slept all night on the floor with a thin pad. It helped stretch out my back a bit. I am not a whole lot better today, but I did improve, no matter how little that improvement was.
    Also, I have decided I am jumping the gun a bit. Before I was able to bounce back quickly. This time, it is taking a lot longer, and I have to take it a lot slower.

  3. I wish I had some inspiring words of wisdom and hope to give you...

    alas, we are in the same boat, so good luck :)
